Blog #7

 Theory of Diffusion

The Apple Watch

    Apple watches are a relatively new innovation that has taken off since 2014. The apple watch caught on due to the brand name. Apple has a large market and has clients who are very devoted to their products. So many people became early adopters because of the "Apple name" and because of the watch's unique and futuristic-like features. Many people jumped on this innovation right away. However, there are a few late adopters and people who prefer not to adopt at all. Late adopters may make the argument that buying the apple watch is a big purchase and it is not cheap. Late adopters started to jump on to the trend once the watch was consistently upgrading and coming out with new features. According to, the apple watch has been a great innovation for tracking health and promoting healthy habits. It is even said that by buying an Apple watch, you're saying you care about being active and healthy. There are also people who choose not to adapt at all and there are a few main reasons for this. A major reason for this is the high price. The base price of the new series 5 is $399. A lot of people have a problem with paying that much for a watch. The majority of people who do not own iPhones are the people who will not buy apple watches because these watches are only compatible with iPhones.

    I believe there are many upsides to technology that have really changed the world as we know it today. However, I think there are some downsides that come with this new way of life. The biggest downside that I see in my everyday life is that technology can be a major distraction and it can prohibit people from practicing in-person and human interactions. There are some people who choose not to join social media or join the new innovative technological trends. I think a lot of these people keep in mind the distraction and decrease in in-person interaction aspect. Social media and technology can also take a big toll on the mental health of humans. Technology can make it seem like things are different than they really are which is seen a lot on social media as people care too much about their digital profile. I think deleting social media would be beneficial when trying to improve mental health, however, a lot of people and businesses rely on social media and you may miss out on a lot of personal and popular news. Personally, I believe that I am in too deep and feel myself relying on technology and social media for a lot of things but I can definitely see how it may be beneficial for some people to stray away. People must decide whether this technology is overtaking their life and if their life would be more positive if they were living without the technology.


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