Key Post- 8 Values of Free Expression

 8 Values of Free Expression

As discussed in class, there are 8 values of free expression. These values include:

1. Marketplace of Ideas
2. Participation in Self Government
3. Stable Change
4. Individual Self-Fulfillment 
5. Check on Government Power
6. Promote Tolerance
7. Promote Innovation
8. Protect Dissent

    All of these values are important and relevant to our right to free speech according to the first amendment. However, there were two that really resonated with me and seemed very prevalent in today's society. These two values are individual self-fulfillment and protecting dissent. 

Individual Self-Fulfillment

    Individual self-fulfillment is all about protecting an individual's speech and self-expression. I think the "self-expression" part of this value is important to note because self-expression does not always mean verbal or written speech. Self-expression is how someone chooses to express their views, thoughts, or opinions in a nonverbal way. This can be expressed through clothing, hobbies, art, music taste, etc. The first amendment protects our right to showcase this self-expression and fulfillment. This idea of self-expression has become increasingly topical in today's society as the idea of not necessarily fitting societal norms is becoming more integrated throughout society. The LGBTQ+ community is a presence that comes to mind when I think of the right to self-expression. They all have the right to express their views and opinions through self-expression even if others do not agree with their opinions.

This news article above showcases a positive and relevant impact that self-expression has had on the large community surrounding the LGBTQ+. A show entitled, "RuPaul's Drag Race" is a show all about promoting intense levels of self-expression and expressing your personality. This use of self-expression in the show encouraged others to branch out and find themselves and feel comfortable expressing who they are to the world. Individual self-fulfillment is great for each individual's personal rights but also can encourage others to utilize this right and become more confident in expressing themselves if they see others doing it as well. With more awareness of different individual personalities and opinions, the value of individual self-fulfillment is becoming more and more common in today's society. 

Protecting Dissent

    Protecting dissent refers to protecting people's ability to say what they want to say, regardless of how unpopular their opinion is. In contrast to the value of individual self-fulfilment, which is becoming more commonly practised, the value of protecting dissent has seemed to take a toll in today's society. People have the right to voice their opinion no matter what they choose to believe. In today's world, I have seen it becoming increasingly more common for people to shame and ridicule others for their opinions that they have the right to share. A lot of this was brought up in the recent election, and even afterwards is still becoming an issue.

    The article above explains the issue of censorship towards former president, Donald Trump and his supporters. There were claims of the media censoring and blacklisting trump supporter's opinions and views. You have the right to disagree with their opinion, however, by taking away their freedom to voice their opinions, their first amendment rights are being taken away. There is also a bigger risk when taking away these rights which could lead to violence. The Washington Examiner editorial director, Hugo Gurdon, warns that censoring and silencing conservatives and Trump supporters limits free speech and could lead to violence. This is a very possible situation because if individuals are adamant about getting their voice heard, they will find a way. Restricting their right to speech online could cause violence and chaos just because they are desperate to be heard. 


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