Blog Post #6

 EOTO Presentation

After listening to the various technologies presented in class today, there was one invention that caught my attention. The creation of YouTube stuck out to me because of how much of an impact it has had on the world in the short amount of time it has been around.

    The beta version of youtube was first launched in May 2005. The domain name,, was first created on February 14, 2005. An interesting fact about youtube was that its initial purpose was to serve as an online dating service in which people could share videos about themselves and learn more about other potential suitors. The idea ultimately failed so much to the point where youtube was making ads on craigslist and begging people to upload their videos. After a failed attempt at being a dating service, they decided to solely be a video sharing platform in order to make it easier to find videos about anything. In October 2006, Google bought Youtube for $1.65 billion. 

    Since YouTube's first launch, they have been extremely well-known and used very commonly among people. It is said that around 300 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE! YouTube has become a great entertainment platform which has created a new career path for many users to become an "influencer" or "YouTuber". These YouTubers mainly make money off of ads shown through their videos and brand deals. 

   YouTube is great for entertainment but it is also a great news source that has plenty of information about all kinds of news whether it be about pop culture, politics, COVID, etc. There is even a "BREAKING NEWS" tab on the homepage of YouTube which gives you easy access to daily news coming from reliable sources. There are even big-time news sources that have YouTube channels to upload news videos. Below are the links to the Washinton Post and NBC Youtube Channels.


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