Blog Post #1

My Top 5 Sources of News/Information

1. Forbes

I really enjoy using Forbes as a news source. I like that the layout of the site in general is very simplistic and organized well. Articles are also split into easy to find categories throughout the page so that I can read through the news that interests me the most. Forbes articles are also typically well-worded and easy to understand. I like a simplistic breakdown of the news without the extra unnecessary information which I think Forbes does a great job of doing. Lastly, I think it's refreshing to see that they have a "quote of the day" on their website which I enjoy reading. It's a nice positive break that helps when most of the news these days tends to be negative. 

2. USA Today

I use USA Today primarily to find instant and current news. The news feed on the website is always so up to date and current. There is also just a flood of information on the website so I have plenty of articles and information to learn about. I also like that there is a tab for videos because I often enjoy watching videos instead of reading articles. Just like Forbes, the USA Today website also separates articles and videos into categories like sports, entertainment, Corona Virus, etc. This helps me to filter out articles I may not be looking for. 

3. Youtube News

I really enjoy using Youtube News in order to find news in a more entertaining way. I linked Youtube's specific news channel however I also find it easy to find current news on Youtube's homepage under the "breaking news" category. I prefer to watch videos over reading articles, especially when it comes to viewing news sources and information. It helps me to better get an understanding of what I am learning when I have visuals that better help to explain and present information. I also just find watching videos a lot more entertaining and attention-grabbing rather than reading articles. Lastly, I am very familiar with youtube and its format which makes it easy for me to easily find exactly what I am looking for. 

4. Washington Post

I use Washington Post because it is very similar to Forbes and USA Today which I use frequently. I do use the Washington Post less frequently than the other sources because I feel it is more cluttered than the other websites and also has more ads. I do like that the news is easy to read and non-biased. Like Forbes and USA Today, the Washington Post categorizes their news nicely. 

5. Buzzfeed

I don't rely on Buzzfeed for essential news but I do find Buzzfeed to be a great source for topics that specifically target my generation. The whole platform relates and grabs the attention of the younger generation which makes reading the information a lot more enjoyable. I like that there is more important and political news yet also some fun, pop-culture type news. 


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